Is Inspirato a Timeshare?

Simple answer…Oh, hell no!  

But I get it, people may often ask the question when they first hear about Inspirato and haven’t heard any details.

Aside from both Inspirato and timeshares having something to do with vacation travel, they share nothing else in common.  Zero. Nada. Zilch. Null. Noll. Cero. Okay, I think you get my point.

If not a timeshare program, then what exactly is Inspirato?  

Inspirato is a luxury vacation membership club.  Think about how Costco works – you pay an annual fee and that gives you a membership, allowing you to shop and purchase as and when you’d like.  Inspirato works similarly.  A member joins by paying annual dues, and then has all the rights and benefits that come along with being a member.  The primary benefit is having access to the global portfolio of Inspirato’s luxury residences.  As a member, you can book stays across the portfolio whenever you’d like.  And if you decide you no longer wish to be a member, you simply cancel your membership and you’re done.  Easy as that, just like Costco…but instead of purchasing more Pace Salsa and Philly Cream Cheese than one could feasibly consume in a lifetime, you book vacations at the world’s finest properties in the most desired destinations.

I recommend you hop over here to read more in detail about Inspirato and how it works, and if it might be a good fit for you and your family.

So how is that Inspirato is so different from a timeshare?

Casa Ola Los Cabos – I prefer this Inspirato pool to the one below 🙂

How I imagine all timeshare pools (have no idea what this is however)

I’m going to try to keep this brief.  My vitriol for timeshare developments is deeply rooted.  Around twenty years ago, I was involved as a development partner in some hospitality properties that included a timeshare component, and learned more than I ever wanted to know about timeshares.  In my opinion, timeshares are worth the investment exactly 0% of the time at 0% of the properties.  I mean that. I’m certain your financial advisor would agree.  You may ask, “But what about Marriott, Hyatt, these well-known brands must be different, right?”  Nope.  Zero means zero.

Timeshares have morphed over the years.  Back in the day, an owner would purchase one week, or 1/52nd of a vacation condo, and the week would be for fixed dates, ie July 10-17, or whatever.  This is now exceedingly rare as timeshares have worked to become more and more flexible.  Nowadays, you often are simply buying points which can then be spent at any number of properties.  Regardless, they still make zero sense for a buyer.  

As an example [this is just an example provided to explain the concept not a representation of fact], Marriott Vacations may sell you points that equal use of around a week’s vacation per year in a nice 2-3 bedroom condo.  You can purchase this “timeshare” for around $85,000.  They are happy to finance it for you even.  And guess what, when you finally pay off your timeshare you are left with an asset that is worth next to nothing.  Ever try to resell your timeshare unit?  Yeah, that’s not really a thing.

And we can’t forget the maintenance fees!  My friends, this is what uniquely makes timeshares a terrible investment.  As an “owner”, you get to pay a pro-rata (plus a bunch more) of the cost to operate and maintain the timeshare property.  Here’s the dark secret though, you could often simply rent the same or similar week you are “buying” with the amount you are charged in maintenance fees for a year!  So, what did you spend your $85,000 on?  Yep, pretty much nothing.  Am I exaggerating a bit?  Perhaps, but only a very little bit.  In our married life, my wife and I have done exactly one timeshare tour (out of curiosity and the free stuff lured me in).  It was in Kauai a few years ago at one of the big, flagged resorts.  I did all the math, looked at weekly rental costs in the market, compared what our maintenance fee would be, and it was very close to what I described above.  

Palm trees, private pool, and beautiful archways at an Inspirato luxury villa in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Inspirato Villa – Dominican Republic

Dare I say timeshares are a scam?  I dare not.  I don’t need any cease-and-desist letters coming my way.  I will ask you a simple question though.  How many products are you aware of where the seller is willing to spend hundreds, even into the thousands of dollars, to convince you to listen to someone pitch their product?  Further, you must buy the timeshare at the end of your tour.  A timeshare salesperson has never said, “well, give it some thought, and I’ll follow up with you in a week or so.”  They must get you in the ether, with a beautiful view from their closing room, and all jazzed up about a lifetime of vacations with your grandkids, etc.  Because if they let you leave the room without buying, they know they have no chance.

So there you go, that’s a timeshare.  Hope I wasn’t too harsh.  But, I just can’t get my head around how this product has survived in the marketplace for so long.  I’d be happy to chat with anyone who might disagree.  Now, I will say this to be fair.  I do know one timeshare owner who is happy.  They purchased a Marriott timeshare in Park City many years ago and enjoy it.  They enjoy skiing with their family and staying at the same place each year.  BUT, it still makes terrible financial sense 100% of the time.

Okay, time to shift out of cranky old man mode.

Changing gears back to Inspirato will quickly do the trick.  Here’s why Inspirato is a wise investment with your vacation funds.  (And I don’t mean that there’s a financial return; the return on investment is epic vacation time with those you love most):

  • Inspirato requires no large upfront investment to become a member.
    • Timeshare require large upfront purchase
  • Member can cancel at any time, and the process is simple.
    • Almost impossible to cancel or sell your timeshare
  • There are NO maintenance fees.
    • Maintenance fees are thousands of dollars per year
  • Daily housekeeping is always included with Inspirato.
    • Generally once or twice a week unless you pay extra
  • Simple booking process across Inspirato’s global portfolio.
    • Exchanging your timeshare for other locations requires additional fees and quality of resort is often suspect
  • Excellent destination planning and concierge service included for all trips.
    • This might exist in order that the concierge can upsell you into purchasing another timeshare or more points.  You’re always a sales prospect.
  • An Inspirato salesperson will always talk you through the membership program in a kind and professional manner, and you’re more than welcome to take a few days (or whatever time you need) to decide if it makes sense for you and your family. Our sales process in 2019 was professional and educational. I had a ton of questions, every single one of which were well answered. It took me a few weeks to pull the trigger and I never felt any pressure.
    • Timeshare salesperson will close you in a room and then call for a closer to increase pressure.  Terrible relational dynamic.
Spacious green lawn with tall garden trees surrounding a rustic, luxury Inspirato villa in Tuscany, Italy
Inspirato Tuscan Villa – most certainly NOT a timeshare ; )

Again, the question about whether Inspirato is a timeshare is a fair one.  They both can involve vacation club memberships.  However, that’s where the similarities cease.  It’s really comparing apples to oranges…or apples to orangutans more appropriately.  Get to know Inspirato a bit more and you’ll start to see what I mean.  

Our family has been members of Inspirato for almost five years now.  We could not be happier!  And we have total peace of mind knowing that we can enjoy vacations wherever we want, whenever we want; trusting that every residence will be luxurious and 5-star, include trip planning, onsite concierge, and daily housekeeping – and we can cancel our membership at any point if for some reason we wished to.  That is what makes Inspirato a unique luxury vacation membership club – and wildly differentiates it from any type of timeshare product.

Take the next step to becoming an Inspirato member now! Or, take your time – no pressure 🙂

This is Inspirato!

NOTE:  I do not work for Inspirato but do enjoy referral benefits if someone reading this joins the club.  If you mention that you were referred by Luxury Pass Review, I’ll send a special amenity to you on your first Inspirato vacation (you must message me to let me know you signed up!).  Unlike a timeshare, take your time, think it through, and make the best decision for you and your family.  I’m quite certain you will be thrilled at your decision to join Inspirato.

Safe travels my friends!

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